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Philippine Social Media Awards: MX3 Trends Online



The internet has swallowed up today’s system in a good way – well, most often than not. Its fame nowadays has gone way high due to the satisfaction and convenience it provides to people – regardless of age, gender, status, and race. It has advanced the sources for various services that caters to various fields.



Five years back, MX3 hits the internet with hopes to reach its market easily. It took them three years to be able to bring their online marketing to full blast. And fortunately, its market was able to follow through with every update brought about by the social media accounts of MX3. They can easily send off messages like promos, upcoming events, ongoing games, and even their daily encouragement through God’s word by spreading out Bible verses.


And for the second time around, MX3 Capsule, Coffee and Tea was recognized as the Star Brand Nutritional Supplement in this year’s Philippine Social Media Star Brand Awards.


Another honor and recognition only to bring God the glory He deserves. To God be the glory forever!

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