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Novel Coronavirus: Overview, Symptoms and Prevention


What is Novel Coronavirus (nCov)?

This just in: Beijing confirms human-to-human transmission of deadly n-CoV. The “N” stands for Novel, which means the virus has not been seen before. The Wuhan corona new-strain virus began in mid-December 2019 and has been initially observed among those who ate bats and snakes as a local delicacy. This has resulted in “pneumonia of unknown cause” linked to stallholders and their customers. With millions of people traveling from and around China during the Chinese new year, a travel lock-down was instituted recently in many countries. However, several positive cases have already been confirmed in the USA, Thailand, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Macau.

What are the symptoms?

Clinical symptoms include fever in 90% of cases, fatigue and dry cough in 80%, shortness of breath in 20% and respiratory distress which may lead to a sudden collapse in 15%. Chest x-rays may reveal fluid in the lungs and blood tests showed lowering of white blood cell count, termed” leucopenia”, which supposedly is important for the body’s defense systems. China has confirmed a 4th death among the 200+ cases isolated and the head of an expert team said 2 people in Guangdong caught the disease from family members.

What to do to prevent transmission? 

Prevention is still the best form of cure.

  • It is important to wash hands regularly and thoroughly, especially before eating
  • Cook meat and eggs properly. Avoid eating raw foods
  • Wear protective masks when going to a public place
  • Cover mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing
  • Disinfect objects and surfaces touched by other people
  • Avoid close contact with those who are sick
  • Take a scientifically researched and FDA approved food supplement that can boost the immune system

This is where MX3, a natural food supplement, extracted from the pericarp of the mangosteen fruit, can help a lot of people. Studies done in Canada shows it is rich in Alpha, Beta and Gamma mangostin – exclusive nutrients from the fruit, which synergistically help fight microbial infections. They can also help boost the immune system to prevent any serious complications. Try MX3 Plus capsule once or twice daily now and feel the difference! For more information, you may text us at 09188888693 or go to God bless dear readers!

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