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My Journey into Wellness


Edwin A. Bien, MD, FRIAMd
First issue



I have just then graduated from the UST Faculty of Medicine & Surgery in 1987. So young, and so idealistic. I have dreamed to be a famous cosmetic surgeon but fate has other plans. As the saying goes, “if you want to make God laugh, tell him about your own plans for your life.”

Life just happened. I was able to go to the USA for some training and prospecting. However, I was intensively exposed to the ongoing wellness revolution at that time. I met the gurus of Homeopathy & Naturopathy. I saw the bigger picture. Medicine is not only about personal glory and accumulation – of accolades and wealth.

The word doctor comes from the Latin word docere or to teach. A doctor is a teacher first. Teaching not only happens in the classroom. Teaching happens everytime one imparts knowledge. And the knowledge of health – natural ways to getting healthy became my new calling. I decided to come back to the Philippines armed with skills not taught in my alma mater.

This is when I met, then Health Secretary, Dr. Juan Flavier – a doctor to the barrios and a genius. I became his follower. I became his media interviewer. I was one of those who petitioned for 1M signatures for him to run for Senate. His ideas were getting to be very popular, and with his charm, became the number one senator during his time. He authored one bill, which later on became Republic Act 8423, entitled Traditional and Alternative Medical Act of 1997. This is supposed to pave the way for the acceptance and incorporation of natural and herbal therapies in mainstream medicine – as they do in Europe, Singapore, and Japan. Or so we thought.


Twenty plus years later and his “10 Halamang Gamot” remains just that, 10 – despite the fact that the country is a treasure trove of medicinal plants and biodiversity. Very few physicians include natural medicines, whether local or imported products, in their prescriptions. You probably know the reason why. You know how multinational pharmaceutical companies control the medical industry. It is a pity that Dr. Flavier passed on a few years back. He did not see the fruition of his labor of love. But his legacy lives on.

A couple of years ago I met another individual with the same intensity and passion to share the health benefits of a fruit exocarp extract. The fruit is Garcinia mangostana. The person is a Christian fondly called Madam Gina by people close to her. She is the managing director of DMI Philippines, the company whose goal includes taking MX3 to the whole world. I was fortunate to be a part of this team – as we conquer countries as far as Europe, the USA, and Scandinavian countries.

In our next article, we will explain how MX3 has helped a lot of people, Filipinos and foreigners alike, here and abroad. We will also include their text questions on health and offer much-needed information. Please follow us and continue sharing the gift of health. To God be the glory!


Edwin A. Bien, MD is a Board Certified practitioner of Natural & Integrative Medicine at his four clinics in Metro Manila. He is a member of the Royal Institute for Alternative Medicine, Singapore. He can be heard and seen on several media networks dispensing natural medicine advice thrice weekly.

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