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  • DMI-MX3: Recipient of the Century International Era Award for Excellence and Quality

DMI-MX3: Recipient of the Century International Era Award for Excellence and Quality

As a fast growing company of selling pharmaceutical products and distributing high quality natural food supplement and organic beverages, DMI Medical Supply Co., Inc. created a breakthrough in innovation and quality. The Company’s Vision of feeding and touching the world with the natural products has reached its attention to the global community. DMI as a business company defines its mission in a trilogy of functions: First for Environment Conservation- developing Organic Farm; Second for Employment generation; and Third for Educational Transformation. The Company continuously innovates and formulates pharmaceutical products to alleviate life’s wellness in-focus with its declared mission. The MX3 Product lines available in the market today are: MX3 Capsule-Plain, MX3 Capsule Plus, MX3 Tea and MX3 Coffee Mix. Undoubtedly, the benefits of the Products are proven, tested and testified to be of excellent quality. 

As former American President Lyndon B. Johnson quoted “For The noblest search is the search for excellence,” DMI has put forward a core value that anchored in the scriptural truths where true excellence is written. Their pursuit for quality and excellence in light of God’s glory gave them recognition of honor and reputation. 

Over the past 30 years, companies and organizations from different countries have joined the Business Initiative Directions (BID) on seeking quality culture and excellence. The BID has chosen Geneva, Switzerland for 2015 Century International ERA Convention to present important awards to worthy businesses and organizations. The site for this historical event is known as an important and influential city in the world. Geneva, Switzerland has gained reputation for international relations and served as a center for diplomacy and culture ambition. 

What could be nobler in business undertaking than receiving the Century International Quality ERA Award in the Gold Category in Geneva? With this recognition from BID Quality, this award is an embodiment of an excelling company in the forefront of developments in quality thinking and efficiency. DMI Medical Supply Co., Inc. was indeed blessed as their Chairman of the Board of Directors, Emilia Cadungog , and Medical Consultant Dr. Edwin Arellano Bien, received the 2015 Century International Quality ERA from President and CEO of BID, Jose E. Prieto and President of QC100, Craig Miller. 

QC100, BID’s Total Quality Management Model, is a communication design given to companies to further improve efficiency and growth. Considered by many as the best known TQM, QC100 model was the compendium of the criteria on which the quality award is based. The model provides guidelines to improve business practices across the fields of customer satisfaction, communication, benchmarking, information analysis, leadership, planning and decision making, human resources, continuous training, management and production systems, and business results. QC100 model provides clients a competitive advantage in the fundamental key areas. DMI became a recipient of QC100 advantage that BID adheres and shares to promote job creation and financial success. 

This honor given through the BID community was a fruit of DMI’s quality management, ingenuity and leadership. The Company believes all these favor and blessings are bestowed from the Creator Above. 

All Glory and Honor belongs to Him!

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