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DMI - MX3 Celebrated with Dabawenyos 30th Kadayawan Festival

Unlimited entertainment and burst of colorful display of rich resources, artworks, and talents were witnessed as Davao City celebrated the 30th Kadayawan Festival 2015. Joining in the delight of the bountiful blessings received throughout the years, DMI- MX3 took significant part in the celebration through assisting various events, media campaigns, gift-giving and organizing a number of exciting activities. Described and expressed personally by the Chief Executive of the City, Mayor Rodrigo during the Gabi ng Pasasalamat in one line as ‘DMI-MX3 Company tremendously supported the City’, for it he was so grateful and honored. 

Pre-event on August 16, 2015, turned up the heat for thousands of Dabawenyos basketball fans jump packed inside-out of the Almendras Gymnasium, as MX3 PBA Stars, The Legends Team presents “Legends sa Kadayawan: Pilipinas Legends Tour 2015”. They played and compete with Mayor’s Team equally skilled and professional players. It was not an easy win for the PBA Legends.

The weeklong festivities: Hudyakaan sa Kadayawan from August 14-23 depicted the culture and joyful merriment of people like selling, singing, and eating barbecues, street foods, lots of all seasoned fruits and the many favorite native delicacies all the days and evenings of the week. DMI-MX3 Company has the opportunity to share a free flowing MX3 Coffee Mix for everyone. 

MX3 Team and Friends joined the culmination parade: Pamulak sa Kadalanan (Floral Float Parade) on August 23, 2015. The MX3 Bigfoot led the way with other MX3 supporters either on parade by foot or by car. MX3 Team Dancers kept the power on with their road wellness demonstration in the dance steps of Zumba Exercises. It was a display of stamina, strength and well-being routed from Magsaysay Avenue and beyond San Pedro Street. Foreign visitors and the local onlookers excitedly sidelining on the shoulders of the road excitedly jumped and catch their MX3 T-shirts thrown on air for a jumble. Thousands of people received MX3 Product samples and Christian tracks. 

The 30th Kadayawan celebration was a real success: Kudos to the entire workforce! . It really was a mark of Dabawenyos rich culture and heritage. God deserves all Glory!

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