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Benilda Abian-My MXtraordinary Partner in Life

My  MXtraordinary Partner in Life

I am a construction safety officer, a job that isn’t as easy as it sounds. It requires a lot of responsibilities. I have to do the leg work in the construction site, purchase construction materials, check the number of manpower/employees, but most importantly, check the safety of each employee.

Speaking of responsibilities, I am also a mom of two adult sons whom I continue to lovingly care for. My usual day routine is to wake up at five in the morning and make breakfast for my family. While I cook, I also do laundry at the same time and do some cleaning just like a supermom. Once all of that are done, that’s the time I am able to fix myself up and get ready for work.

Through it all, I find time to read. I love reading. I learn new life lessons and gain wisdom from it. At my age, reading is a wonderful stress reliever. I need to de-stress myself to maintain a healthy life. In keeping myself healthy, I also jog daily, I make sure that I am well-rested at night, eat a well-balanced diet, and of course, take MX3 daily. It was my sister who introduced me to MX3 years back. I thank her for doing so.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, I know I need help from a partner. MX3 became that partner for me. Like a good partner, MX3 helps complete my daily life.

“She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks.” – Proverbs 31:17

Benilda Abian
Construction Safety Officer/ Banker/ Nurse
Davao City, Philippines

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